Noah's Ark Children's Book Illustration: Drawing/ Digital Coloring
Credit: Jason Yungbluth for initial Character Design of Noah and Animals

Noah's Ark: External, Front and Back Cover without text/title

Noah's Ark: External, Front and Back Cover detail of Noah with the Animals

Noah's Ark: Internal, Noah gets to planning.

Noah's Ark: Internal, Noah and his boys (sons) get started!

Noah's Ark: Internal two page. Here come the animals

Noah's Ark: Internal, Noah's wife is happy the animals have started coming.

Noah's Ark: Internal 2 page, more animals are coming.

Noah's Ark: Internal, even the little ones come aboard.

Noah's Ark: Internal 2 page, all animals are rounded up.

Noah's Ark: Internal, the storm/ flood hit.

Noah's Ark: Internal, the storm subsides.

Noah's Ark: Internal, Noah sends a dove out to check for land.

Noah's Ark: Internal, the dove returns with a twig.

Noah's Ark: Internal, everyone sees the land.

Noah's Ark: Internal, everyone exists with the Rainbow covenant in the background.

Noah's Ark: Collage of the whole book.